Technology Department

Content Filtering | All District Computers

Content filtering on all school owned devices, and all devices accessing our district's wired and wireless network is provided by the South Dakota Department of Education through the State Fortinet firewall.

Content Filtering | Student Mobile Devices

The Pierre School District is utilizing a product called Deledao to provide content filtering on middle school and high school student computers.  Deledao’s artificial intelligence technologies analyze text, images, and videos in real time to better keep your children safe while on their school issued computer at school, and outside of our school 24 hours a day.

Deledao also offers parents and guardian with tools to do the following outside school hours:

The Pierre School District sends out email invitations to parents of middle school and high school students at the beginning of each school year containing a sign-up URL link for Deledao Parent.  If you are new to the district, or need another invite sent, please reach out to one of the district's Technology Staff.

Deledao Parent Portal User Guide

Technology Staff

(605) 773-7305

(605) 773-7305

(605) 773-7330

(605) 773-7310

(605) 773-7320

Submitting a Tech Work Ticket